Commodity trading is the buying and selling of raw materials, such as precious metals and oil, critical to the global economy. The most common commodities include metals like gold, silver, and copper, oil being the most traded energy instrument. You are not buying a physical asset such as a bar of gold or a barrel of oil. Instead, you trade the price movements of the underlying asset through CFDs.
Throughout history, oil and gas have been used to sustain humans in a livable world. Energy, metals, and agriculture to nurture, build and feed. In Today’s world, online traders too can invest in commodities and profit from their sales. Not only can princes in the Gulf region be the owners of crude oil, but now you can also.
You can trade commodities on the WebTrader platform and get benefits from tight spreads, and 24-hour access.
Aktonis offers a wide range of trading opportunities across various asset classes, including precious metals, forex, cryptocurrency, major global indices, major global stocks, futures, and energies.
With our advanced trading tools and resources, you can unleash your full trading potential and make profitable trades like never before. Our user-friendly platforms, intuitive tools, and expert guidance make it easy for traders of all levels to succeed in the markets.
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